WRI 424 - Fanfiction and Franchise Writing
Course Description
Delve into the worlds of writing based on beloved characters and stories. Fanfiction (fanfic) and franchise fiction extend and explore existing works enjoyed by robust and vibrant communities of writers and readers.
Learn about themes common to fanfic and franchise stories, explore resources, discuss issues of ethical storytelling, and the value of fanfic writing to hone and develop your skills as a writer.
Students will develop an outline and work on fanfic or franchise stories (one or more works totalling 4000 words) of a fanfic or franchise story and explore commercial and non-commercial markets in this interactive and supportive course.
Course Details
Course learning outcomes
By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
- Describe the differences between fanfiction (fanfic) and franchise writing
- Apply structural elements of plot to fanfic works
- Define elements of copyright and intellectual property as they relate to fanfic and franchises
- Discuss themes and trends in these genres
- Identify various commercial and non-commercial avenues for publication
Applies Towards the Following Program(s)
- Creative Writing Certificate : Optional Courses