
Course Description

In today’s business environment, mental fitness and well-being are crucial for successful professionals. Cultivating an awareness of how we think, feel, and behave is a critical component of both professional and personal development.

Mental fitness is a set of personal qualities, a combination of inner strength and determination. It is an ability to identify mental health symptoms, stay in control, and perform optimally even when stressed. Remaining mentally fit is an essential quality we need to bounce back from life’s challenges.

During this course, participants will learn what it means to be mentally fit and explore how the mind works through research-backed mental fitness exercises.

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Identify fundamental elements and the 3 core muscles of mental fitness
  • Name the components of mental fitness and identify the associated resources that can be used to improve each component
  • Identify, observe, and analyze thoughts, emotions and behaviours that impact self-acceptance, self-esteem, resilience, stress management, and handling strong emotions
  • Apply mental fitness strategies to effectively manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours and rapidly recover from setbacks
  • Assess various tactics, skills and practices that improve mental fitness and allow focus and calm in the face of adversity and challenge
  • Create a personal plan with specific techniques to proactively monitor and manage mental fitness and build positive momentum in life

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)


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